Saturday, 28 February 2009

climbing Mt. Arapalies

Weekend-warrior climbing trip to Mt Arapalies:
  • zorro
  • mantis
  • megolomaniac
  • Hope
  • Sincerity
  • Dunes (4 pitch)

Josef :)

Monday, 23 February 2009

5 sets of:
*5 dead lift @ 60kgs
*10x long cycle (clean and jerk) Kettle bells @16kgs - both arms naturally

First time on the DL for about a month after I strained my back, concentrating on form as I do not want a repeat of last month. Form... form... form. I've learnt that the hard way.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Sunday afternoon session in Princes park

3 sets of:
*20 squats
*20 burpies
*1000m run
for 20'30''

3.2km run for 15'18''

Man it's dry in the park, we really do live in a desert...

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Bikram Yoga

One and a half hour session at Bikram Fitzroy - not convinced that yoga at 40C is actually good for you, however my flexibility seems to be improving!

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Sport nutrition - Paleo V Block

Following from Andrew's comment, I have looked at a couple of different diets: the paleo and the block diet (see below for details). Interesting results, showing about the same amount of food with different ratios. I'm going to trial the Paleo diet (with the gym jones 1g/lb of lean muscle mass assumption) for the next few weeks and see how I go. However I can tell by looking at it that it means cutting my calorific consumption...

In fact, I have some nice lean kangaroo meat to BBQ tonight... 

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


*thrusters 43kg (squat with bar overhead press at top)
*pullups (kips)

for 10'25'', and my quads feel it now

Josef :)

Sport nutrition

I have been doing a little bit of reading about nutrition, and there's alot of junk out there let me tell you. Great article at gymjones on protein and fat intake, inspired me to look a little more into it. It's very easy for us in the developed world to eat crap, we don't have to hunt or fight for it, and marketing campaigns bombard us with product after product. Robwolf also has a good spin on the whole paleo thing too, which to my understanding is 38 % protein, 39 % fat, 23 % carbohydrate by energy; as opposed to typical Western-diets of 16% protein, 49% carbohydrate, 34% fat by energy. 

I did some rough numbers for my body weight (84kg) on how much I should be eating to get a feel for my diet below, very interesting. I'm going to try and keep to this diet, and keep to the principles of higher protein content and 'good' fats, minimising simple carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, and rice). Keeping to a more... paleolithic-oriented diet.

10 Jan 2009

*800m run
Total time 33minutes

Hope there's a break before we try that one again...