I have been doing a little bit of reading about nutrition, and there's alot of junk out there let me tell you. Great article at gymjones on
protein and
fat intake, inspired me to look a little more into it. It's very easy for us in the developed world to eat crap, we don't have to hunt or fight for it, and marketing campaigns bombard us with product after product.
Robwolf also has a good spin on the whole paleo thing too, which to my understanding is 38 % protein, 39 % fat, 23 % carbohydrate by energy; as opposed to typical Western-diets of 16% protein, 49% carbohydrate, 34% fat by energy.
I did some rough numbers for my body weight (84kg) on how much I should be eating to get a feel for my diet below, very interesting. I'm going to try and keep to this diet, and keep to the principles of higher protein content and 'good' fats, minimising simple carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, and rice). Keeping to a more...
paleolithic-oriented diet.